Vertebral 30/30, Found wood & objects. 78" h x 12" base. 2024. Available
Still, Life Installation, Artist Project, 2024. Available.
Time Zone installation Commission. 15x7'. IMMIX, Toronto. 2024.
Wild West Installation Commission for Yabu Pushelberg, 7x10', Moxy Hotel, LA, 2023.
Tail Light, Light Sculpture Commission for Yabu Pushelberg, LA, 2023.
"Sal" Rendering Indoors, wood & steel. 84" high. 2022. Available
"Sal" Rendering Outdoor, example of steel sculpture in situ. 2022
Into The Woods 2, Salavaged & found objects including rubber. leather, brass. 33 x 42". Available.
From “The Blackbird” series. 14x28x4.5”. Reclaimed industrial materials. 2022. Available.
X 8, found wood. 36" w x 42" h. 2024. Available.
Vertebral 30/30, Found wood & objects. 78" h x 12" base. 2024. Available.
Check Mate, salvaged wood & found objects. 86" h x 12" base. 2022. Available.
"6 + 2 = 8" Light Sculpture, 7' high. Salvaged steel and brass. SOLD
“Invertebrate with vertebrae” Salvaged post industrial cast iron objects. 19x5x5 in. WIP, 2023.
"Shoot", sculpture. salvaged wood, walnut, rubber, paint. 9"w x 7"d x 23.5" h, SOLD.
"Shoot" Rendered as public sculpture, 2021.
"Elmo", maquette for public sculpture, 2021. Available.
"Graphite", maquette for large outdoor sculpture. 2021. N/A.
Untitled, found objects & wire. 4' high. WIP, 2024. N/A.
Paris Souterraine, found objects & wood, 24" h x 4" base. 2024. Available.
Untitled, found objects & wool. 6x6x24 in. 2021. Available
Check It Mate. Found objects, 2022. Available.
Triplets, wood and metal, 19" h, 2021. SOLD.